Saturday, June 23, 2012

Week Three Observations

<a href="">Best Social Media Blogs<img src="" alt="Best Social Media Blogs" style="display: none;" width="1px" height="1px" /></a>

Well I am not sure about all this fancy new stuff I am getting into.  I suppose for me that is a really interesting aspect of Empire Avenue.  Playing has encouraged me to create several new social media accounts and do a bit of figuring out.  I think I am developing some skills that might come in handy later.

The other thing that starting to happen on EA is that I am meeting some interesting folks.  I have received invitations from a few groups both formal and informal.  Folks have offered to help, provided guidance, and even helped.  One of the fun and infuriating things about EA is that there is little about the rules & strategy; so you are left to figure it out yourself.  Friends and mentors really smooth out that process.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Cultivating EA


Folks are actually nice on the Avenue.  I posted a request to endorse my blog as my status update last night, and a bunch of folks did it.  Thanks to all of you.

The main reason for this post is to give EA a code of some sort that will let them know this really is my blog. Crazy follks, who else would want it?

Monday, June 18, 2012

Planting in Empire Avenue

I have been playing on Empire Avenue for a week or so.  I am trying to make sense of EA from a couple of directions.  First I want to figure out how to win.  My competitive streak is grabbed by the game.  Second I want to figure out if EA can really be used for anything important.  I also wonder if useful and winning are mutually exclusive in this game.

For now I am running as many missions as possible to build my currency.  So many missions that EA has throttled my mission running a few times.  I am turning all my currency into purchasing stocks; primarily Newbies.  The next challenge will be to prune those Newbies that have become disinterested before their price plummets.  I am also investing in folks who have made substantial investments in me to stabilize my share price.  I hope my investments in them will discourage investors from selling my stock in the event of a price dip.

I am not sure how this relates to building my personal brand.  I notice from Klout that my Social Media engagement is rising, but I am concerned that much of it is fluff or unrelated to me.  EA has encouraged me to engage in several media that I had ignored previously.  This blog is an excellent example of something that EA has prompted.

I don't have any conclusions yet.  I plan to continue to stumble around (another SM that EA pushed me into) Empire Avenue and the rest of the plethora of Social Media to see what turns out.

Sunday, June 17, 2012